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Cornerstone Developments

1M Cornerstones

1 Cornerstone
  • 1
    F1. No slam
    • 1N
      5=. no 3+ or 5+m. Natural Continuation
    • 2m
      5+m (2 can be =1444)
    • 2
      6+ or good 5=
    • 2
    • 2N
      6+ 3= Max
    • 3X
      Nat Max
  • 1N
    NF. Can hide 4= if bal
    • P
      To play. 4441, 5332, 54xx
    • 2m
    • 2
      6+ or good 5=
    • 2
      5+ 5+ Max
    • 2N
      6+ 5=m. Then minors are P/C
    • 3m
      5+ 6+X
    • 3
      6+ Max
  • 2
    Art. GF. Relay
  • 2
    Art. 3+ Inv to game value. Spiral raise
  • 2
    Wide range raise. Spiral raise
  • 2/3m
    6+ suit. inv
  • 2N
    Nat misfit inv. Any bid is GF. Continuation
  • 3
    Preempt. (4)5+
  • 3/4m
    Fragment raise
  • 3N
    To play
  • 4
    To play. Either way
  • 4
    To play
1 Cornerstone
  • 1N
  • 2
    Art. GF. Relay
  • 2
    Art. 5+ F1. Either 6+ constructive (no 3=) or 5= inv+. No slam
    • 2
      No 3= / 5=. Any strength. May have 5m if min
      • P
        6+. To play
      • 2/N/3X
        Nat inv
    • 2
      5+ 1-. Any strength. May have 5m if min
      • P
        6+ constructive.
      • 2N/3X
        Nat Inv
    • 2N
      5+ 2= Min
    • 3m
      4= 5+m Max
    • 3
      fit. Min
    • 3
      6+ Max
    • 3N
      5= 2= Max
    • 4
      To play
  • 2
    Art. 3+ Inv to game value. Spiral raise
  • 2
    Wide range raise. Spiral raise
  • 2N
    Nat misfit inv. Continuation
  • 3m
    6+ suit. inv
  • 3/4m
    Fragment raise
  • 3
    Preempt. (4)5+
  • 3N
    To play
  • 4
    To play
  • 4
    To play. Either way
1M - 1N; 2m
  • 2oM
    Fit m, fragment raise in oM
  • 2M
    Fit m, fragment raise in om
  • om
    Nat Inv
  • 2N
    Nat Inv
  • 3m
    Courtesy raise
1M - 2N; 3m
  • 3oM
    Fit m, fragment raise in oM
  • 3M
    Fit m, fragment raise in om
  • om
    Fit m. Need fitting honor in om
  • 3N
    To play
  • 4m
    Nat. Not suitabke for NT

1M Contested Auction

1M (Dbl)
  • P
    Non descriptive. Later Dbl is competitive
  • Dbl
    Our board. Interested in penalizing opponents. Forcing to 2M
  • 1N
    Nat. NF. May have 3-card support
  • 2M
    3+M support. Wide range. Less than invite. Spiral Raise
  • 2N
  • Suit
    Expected to be competitive, but can be weaker. NF
  • JS
1M (Suit bid)
  • Dbl
    (up to 3) Negative. Asks partner for unbid 4-card major or the longest suit
  • Dbl
    (from 3) Optional
  • NS
  • JS
  • Raise
    Wide range
  • 3M
  • 4M
    To play. Either way
  • Cue
    Inv+ 3+ support
  • 2N
    4+ support. Limit raise+
1M (1N)
  • P
  • Dbl
    Optional. Correctable on offensive hands
  • 2m
    Competitive. NF
  • 2M
    Wide range. Spiral raise
  • 2N
    4+ support. Limit raise+
  • 3X
1M (Michale / U2NT)
  • Dbl
  • Cue low
    GF 5+ in 4th suit
  • Cue high
    Fit M. Inv+
  • 3M
  • 4th suit
    Constructive NF

Modified Drury

Used in Mode 3

P - 1M
  • 2
    8-10 Bal 2=M
    • P/2m/2M
      To play
    • 2oM/2N
      Nat inv
    • 3m
      Canape. GF
    • 3oM
      Nat GF
    • 3M
      6+M Inv
    • 3N/4M
  • 2
    8-10 Bal 3-4M
    • 2M
      To play
    • 2oM/2N
    • 3m
      Canape GF
    • 3M
      Art. Choice of 3N / 4M
    • 3N/4M
      To play. Not correctable

1N Cornerstone

  • 2
    Puppet to 2. “5+ any strength, both minors GF, or a major invite”
    • (1)
      Weak in
    • (2)
      Inv with long
    • (3)
      Long SI
    • (4)
      5+ 4=M GF
    • (5)
      5+4+ minors GF
    • (6)
      Three suited short M SI, or
    • (7)
      4-5M inv (not 4-card flat)
  • 2
    Trans to 2. 5+. Include 5-5 majors inv and 5+ 4= GF
  • 2
    Trans to 2. 5+. Not 5= inv
  • 2
    Size ask.
    • (1)
      Bal inv (may have a 4-card major if flat)
    • (2)
      Bal SI, or
    • (3)
      Inv with long
  • 2N
    Trans to 3
    • (1)
      Weak in
    • (2)
      5+ 4=M GF, or
    • (3)
      Long SI
  • 3
    5+ 4= GF
  • 3
    4= 4= GF
  • 3M
    4=M COG. Usually 3-oM. May pull to 5m after 3N
  • 3N
    To play
  • 4/
    Long / GF+
  • 4M
    To play
  • 4N

2 Puppet to 2

1N - 2; 2
  • P
    Weak with
  • 2M
    4-5M inv. Maybe 4-4 majors / 5M-4oM. Keri
  • 2N
    Art. Long inv or 5+4+ minors GF. 3 ask, then
  • 3
    Art. Three suiters short major. 3 ask 4-card major
  • 3
    5+ 4= GF
  • 3
    5+ 4= GF
  • 3+
    6+ SI

Majors Invite (Keri)

1N - 2; 2 - 2M
  • P
    Min. 3=M
  • 2
    Min. 2= 4-5
  • 2N
    Min. 2=M
    • 3m
      5+m to play
    • 3
      (After 2) 5= 4=
  • 3m
    4=M. Help suit game try in m
  • 3
    Art. Max 4=oM. May have 3=M
    • 3
    • 3N/4oM
      To play
  • 3
    Art. Max 3=M COG (or dispersed strength with 4=M)
  • 3N/4M
    To play

Both minors GF

1N - 2; 2 - 2N; 3
  • 3
    Long inv
  • 3
    Short . 5+4+ minors ST.
    • 3
      Ask better minor (3N=, 4=)
  • 3
    Short . 5+4+ minors ST.
    • 3N
    • 4
      Ask better minor (4=, 4+= and cue)
    • 4
    • 4+
      Fit . Cue
  • 3N
    5-4 minors NF. 5422 or stiff honor. 4 ask better minor
  • 4m
    6m 4=om
  • 4/
    6+/ 5+om

2/ Transfers

Normal Accepts

1N - 2/; 2M
  • 2
    5-5 majors inv+ or 5+ 4= GF. 2N ask, then
    • 3
      5+ 4= GF. Continue like 1N - 3
    • 3
      5+ 5+ GF. Natural continuation
    • 3
      5-5 majors inv
  • 2N
    Art. 5=M GF
  • 3m
    5+M 4+m GF. Good suits or extra length.
  • 3M
    6+M Inv
  • 3N
    5=M COG. Disperse values. 3N is still possible even with fit
  • 3oM/4+

2N Game Force

Responder has a hand that does not want to sell out at 3N if there is a fit, or a hand that has an alternative game other than 3N if 3N is flawed. Typical hands include:

  • 5M with short suit / weak doubleton
  • 5M 4m that does not want to bid 3m directly
1N - 2/; 2M - 2N
  • 3
    Ask shortage. Does not promise / deny M fit
    • 3
      Short oM
      • 3
        Ask minor
        • 3
          4= 3-4 COG
        • 3N
          4= 3-4 COG
        • 4m
          4=m 3-4om Forcing
      • 3N/4M
        To play
    • 3
      No short
      • 3
        Good doubleton (at worst KJ) support
      • 3N/4M
        To play
      • 4m
        5+m, 3=M
    • 3/N
      Short / (implies 4+om)
      • 3N
        To play
      • 4/
        (Short minor) double fit
      • 4/
        (Implied minor) Fit m
      • 4M
        Fit M
  • 3
    Fit M. Ask for minor if responder has SI
    • 3/
      4= / 4=. SI
    • 3N
      Weak trump. SI
    • 4M
      No slam interest
  • 3M
    Good M support. No interest in minor
  • 3oM
    Nat. 5oM
  • 3N
    To play. 2=M

Super Accepts

1N - 2/
  • 2M
    Normal Accept
  • 2N
    Max. 4+M. No weak doubleton
  • Suit
    Max. 4+M. Weak doubleton in suit
  • 3M

After super accepts, no re-transfer except n immediate 4 / 4.

2 Size Ask

1N - 2
  • 2N
    • 3
      Was long inv
    • 3
    • 3N
      To play
  • 3
    • 3
    • 3M
      4=M. Was bal inv
    • 3N
      To play, either bal inv or long inv


Responder has a balanced hand, investigates the number of controls and a fit for a slam.

1N - 2; 2N/3 - 3
  • 3
    2-3 controls
    • 3
      Ask again
      • 3N
        2 controls
      • 4
        3 controls, 4+ suits. Bid up the line
    • 3N
      To play
    • 4+
      4+ suits. Bid up the line
  • 3
    4 controls
  • 3N
    5 controls
  • 4+
    6+ controls. 4+ suit. Bid up the line

Then the development follows the following rules:

  • Any time the responder rebids NT, the opener must pass
  • The opener must not raise the level unless fitting
  • Both players bids suits up the line, rebidding shows 5
  • Fit partner by a raise

2N Transfer to 3

1N - 2N; 3
  • P
    Weak to play
  • 3
    5+ 4= GF
  • 3
    5+ 4= GF
  • 3+
    6+ SI

3 5+ 4= Game Force

1N - 3
  • 3
    Ask short
    • 3/
      Short /
    • 3N
      No short
    • 4m
      6+ short m
  • 3M
  • 3N
    Not interested in a major

3 4-4 Majors GF

1N - 3
  • 3M
    Fit M. Not the worst hand
    • 3N
      Disperse values. MST
    • 3m
      Shortness. ST
    • 4M
      To play
  • 3N
  • 4m
    Double fit. Cue
  • 4M
    Fit M. NF


Major-Minor Game Forcing

Some sequences shows major-minor two suiters:

  • 5+M 4+m: Ends at 3m
  • 4=M 5+m: Ends at 3 / 3 (one under)
M + m two suiters continuation
  • 3M
    Fit M
  • 3oM
    Fit m
  • 3N
    No fit. NF
  • 4m
    If 3oM is available, then fit m Kickback RKCB, else fit m GF
  • 4M
    Fit M Min
  • 4om/4oM
    Double fit. Help suit slam try

Long Suit Slam Tries

After a transfer to a suit, responder can initiate long suit ST by bidding 3 (or 3 after ), 3N in a minor, or 4-level bids.

Long suit slam tries (Major) and continuation
  • 3oM
    ST. No short (may have singleton Ace / King)
    • 4M
    • 3N
      Ask weak doubleton (worse than Jx)
      • 4m
      • 4M
      • 4N
  • 4X
  • 4M
    Mild ST. NF
  • 4N
Long suit slam tries (Minor) and continuation
  • 3
    ST. No short (may have singleton A/K)
    • 3N
    • 4m
      Kickback RKCB
    • 4om
      Ask weak doubleton (worse than Jx)
      • 4 / 5
        (Original suit) om
      • 4M
      • 4N
  • 3N
    Mild ST. NF
  • 4m
    (Responder’s suit) Kick back RKCB
  • 4X

1N Contested Auction

1N (Dbl) / 1N (P) P (Dbl)
  • P
    Ask for a 5-card suit. May be a strong hand
    • P
      No 5-card suit. To play
    • Rdbl
      Have a 4-card suit.
      • P
        To play 1N redoubled
      • 2
        Weak. P/C
  • Rdbl
    A 5+card suit. Puppet to 2, then P/C
  • 2//
    4+4+ in the suit bid and a higher suit. P/C
  • 2
    GF. 5+5+ in and another suit. 2N asks for the second suit
  • 2N
    GF. 5+5+ minors
  • 3m
    GF. 5+ 5+m
  • Higher
    System on
1N (2=Anything)
  • System on. Dbl = Puppet to 2
1N (2//)
  • Lebensohl. Slow Show.
  • Dbl
    Take out if nat. Suit-showing if art
  • 4/
    Long / GF
  • 4M
    To play even if it is their suit
1N (2N=Minors)
  • Dbl
    Values. Further Dbls are penalties
  • 3
    Ask 4+ majors. Smolen after 3
  • 3/
    Transfer. 5+/5+. Inv+
    • 3/
      NF. Other rebids are GF
1N (3)
  • 3/
    Transfer. 5+/5+. Inv+
  • 3
    5+ GF
  • 4
    + M GF. 4 ask M
  • 4
    Both majors COG
1N (3)
  • 3
    5+ Inv+
  • 3
    5+ GF
  • 4
    + M GF. 4 ask M
  • 4
    Both majors COG
1N, then opponent doubles responder’s puppet / asking bid
  • P
    No stopper (Responder double to re-puppet)
  • Rdbl
    Max with length in the doubled suit
  • Complete / answer
1N, then opponent doubles responder’s transfer bid
  • P
    No fit (Responder double to re-puppet)
  • Rdbl
    Max with length in the doubled suit
  • Complete

2m Cornerstones

2 Cornerstone
  • 2
    5+ F1
  • 2
    Art. GF Relay
  • 2
    5+ F1
  • 2N
    Good raise. (Don’t pass without a good reason)
  • 3
  • 3X
    Inv 6+X
  • 3N
    To play
2 Cornerstone
  • 2
    Art. GF Relay
  • 2
    5+ F1
  • 2N
    5+ F1
  • 3
    Good raise
  • 3X
    Inv 6+X
  • 3N
    To play

2m Contested Auction

2m (Dbl)
  • P
  • Rdbl
    Our board. New suit next round is F1
  • NS
    Constructive. NF
  • JS
  • 2N
    Inv with support. New suit shows shortness
2m (Suit bid)
  • Dbl
    (up to 3) Negative.
    • Unbid M
      3-card M.
    • 2N
      Nat. stop in overcalled suit
  • Dbl
    (from 3) Optional
  • NS
    Constructive. NF
  • 2N
    F1. Bal inv or GF with m support
  • Cue
    Ask stopper. May stop at 4m

2m Passed Response

Used in Mode 3

P - 2m
  • New suit
    5-7 5+ suit. Tolerance in m
  • 2N
    8-10 Bal. Inv