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Opening Developments

1 Intermediate Opening

  • (NV) 12-16 unbal or 14-16 bal. 0+. Non-forcing
  • (Vul) 12-16 unbal or 12-13 bal. 0+. Non-forcing
1 (Non-Vul)
  • 1
    0-7(8) or 12+, too weak or too strong for CS
    • CS
      Mode 2. 12-16 unbal or 14-16 bal
    • No other systematic rebids
  • CS
    Mode 1. 8-11 unbal or 9-11 bal
  • 2M
    6-7 6+M. NF. New suit F1. 2N Inv
1 (Vul)
  • 1
    0-7 any, 10-11 bal, or 12+ GF,
    • CS
      Mode 2. 12-16 unbal or 12-13 bal
    • No other systematic rebids
  • CS
    Mode 1. 8-11 unbal or 8-9 bal
  • 2M
    6-7 6+M. NF. New suit F1. 2N Inv


1 (Dbl=Any meaning)
  • P
    0-8. Not interested in fighting for a partscore
  • Rdbl
    12+ Opponents cannot play undoubled at any level
    • Suit bids are Nat and GF
    • Dbl by opener is T/O in shown suits
    • Dbl by responder is PEN in shown suits
    • NT by either side is NAT
  • 1
    5-8. Interested in fighting for a partscore. System on with Modified Drury and 2m passed responses
  • 1+
    System on. 1N = 9-11
1 (Overcall at Any Level)
  • Treat opponent’s overcall as an opening bid and apply our defense accordingly, except the following
  • (1)
    Borrow 6 HCP from partner
  • (2)
    Michael cuebids are off (unusual 2N on)
  • (3)
    Dbl tends not to be GF when cue-bid is available
  • (4)
    Cue bids are GF. No Good suits to bid
  • (5)
    1N does not promise a stopper. 2N promise at least half-stopped
  • (6)
    Jump in a suit when partner has shown strength is GF with good suit
  • (7)
    T/O doubles by a capped player may be off-shape, followed by equal-level conversion
  • (8)
    Jumps by a capped player shows a good suit, but not forcing
1 - 1 (Dbl=Any meaning)
  • P
    Bal (NV=14-16; Vul=12-13). System off
    • Rdbl
      Strong case.
    • Bid
      Weak case
  • Rdbl
    Art. 5=m 4+om. Poor 5-card suit
  • 1N
    14-16. Bal / semi-bal. Stopped. System on
  • CS
    System on. 2m promise decent m / 6+m
1 (P) 1 (Overcall at any level)
  • Treat opponent’s overcall as an opening bid and apply our defense accordingly (no HCP borrowing). The following are used to distinguish weak and strong responders.
Opener’s actionWeak responder’s actionStrong responder’s action
PassSuit bids / Dbl (must pass next NF bid)Dbl, then force if below game
Dbl1N (6-8) / suit / jump in suit / 2N as LebensohlCue / Jump to game
Bid a suitPass, or thru 2N: compete or invite / Dbl for T/O (must pass next NF bid)Bid a game / keep forcing until above 2N

Opening Opposite Passed Hand

Opener shows 17-19. Responder is limited to 0-7 unbal or 0-10 Bal. Responder borrows 3 HCPs from 1 opener and continues as if direct opening.

1 Strong Opening

17+ forcing.

  • 1
    0-7 Catch all. See continuation
  • Others 8+ GF Relay
  • 1
    Either 4+ unbal or 8-11 (4333) / (4432) / 5m(332)
  • 1N
    12-14 Bal (including 5332)
  • 2
    4+ unbal (no 4+)
  • 2
    5+ unbal or 3-suiters short major
  • 2
    5+ unbal
  • 2
    8-11 5(332)
  • 2N/3m
    8-11 5(332). Zoom to doubleton
1 - 1
  • 1
    Art. 22+ Any, or 17-21 5+4+ majors
    • 1N
      5-7 positive
      • 2
        17+ 5+4+ majors. Forcing to 2N. 2 asks 5M
      • 2X
        22+ 5+X GF
      • 2N
        22+ Bal GF. 2N development
      • 3
        22+ 6+ GF
      • 3X
        22+ 5+ 4+X GF
    • 2
      0-4 or Bal.
      • 2
        Ask 3+ majors. Could be min with 5+4+ majors
      • Others
        Nat F1
    • 2X
      0-4 (4)5+X. New suit F1
  • 1N
    17-19 Bal. 1N development
  • 2X
    17-21. Unbal 5+X NF (not 5+4+ majors)
  • 2N
    20-22 Bal. 2N development
  • 3X
    Nat. Good suit. GF


1 (Dbl or Bid)
  • P
    NF. 0-5(7), or 6+HCP with opponent’s shown suit
  • Dbl
    6+HCP. “Our board”. No biddable 5-card suit or 8+ bal
  • Rdbl
    8+HCP. “We have game value”. Focus on penalties. Probably with a balanced hand.
  • NS
    6+HCP. 5+card suit. F1
  • JS
    Competitive. NF
  • Lowest NT
    GF. Balanced hand. Good stopper in any shown suit
  • 2-level Cue
    GF. Ask stopper if opp shown one suit; shows stopper if shown multiple suits
  • 3+level Cue
    GF. Three suiter and short in the shown suit.

Continuation after 1 (Dbl or Bid) Action

  • NS: Forcing if below game.
  • JS: Good suit and forcing if below game
  • Raises
    • (by Opener) GF. Jump in opp’s suit / 4-level shows shortness.
    • (by Responder) simple raise is NF (if not already GF).
  • Cue
    • (by Opener) GF. Asks stopper.
    • (by Responder) F1. Catchall
  • Simple NT: Nat. NF. System on
  • Jump NT: GF. System on

Fourth Hand Bids after we confirm this is our board

  • (After they raised)
    • P: Tends to be bal. Forcing
    • Dbl: T/O. Neutral if balancing position
    • Suit: Shapeful GF; 4+ cards in balancing position
    • NT: Good stop. NF
  • (After they bid a new suit)
    • P: Forcing. Could be short
    • Dbl: Penalty. Neutral if balancing position
    • Suit: Shapeful GF. 4+ cards in balancing position
    • NT: Good stop. NF

Continuation after Responder Denied Strength

  • Applies in the following sequences
    • 1 (Dbl/Bid) P (Bid/Pass)
    • 1 (P) 1 (Dbl/Bid)
  • Follow above methods with additional below:
    • 1 (P) 1 (Dbl), opener’s Rdbl has “opposite meaning” as opp’s Dbl.
    • 1 (Dbl) P (P). Rdbl is takeout in , or very strong
    • Opener’s jump to 2N in the balancing position shows a strong 2-suiter

Opening Opposite Passed Hand

Opener shows 20+. Responder is limited to 0-7 unbal or 0-10 Bal. Responder borrows 3 points from 1 opener and continues as if direct opening.

Cornerstone Openings

Cornerstone Openings
  • 1
    8-11 4+. Not 4333 / 4432. May have a longer minor
  • 1
    8-11 4+. Not 4333 / 4432. May have a longer minor
  • 1N
    (NV) 10-13. May have 5M / 6m
  • (Vul) 14-16. May have 5M / 6m
  • 2
    8-11 6+ or 5= 4+. No 4-card major
  • 2
    8-11 6+ or 5= 4+. No 4-card major

Continuation please refer to Cornerstone section. Mode 0.

2M Intermediate Opening

12-14. 5+M, no 4+oM. Unbal (at least some singleton or 6+M).

2 = 12-14 5+ unbal no 4
  • 2
    Nat. Constructive NF.
    • 2N/3/
    • others
  • 2N
    Art GF. Continuation
  • 3
    Art. Misfit inv. Continuation
  • 3
    3+ Inv
  • 3
  • 3
    Nat GF+
  • 4m
  • 3N/4M
    To play
2 = 12-14 5+ unbal no 4
  • 2N
    Art GF. Continuation
  • 3
    Art. Misfit inv. Continuation
  • 3
    Art. 5+ GF or 6+ Inv+
    • 3
      0-1 NF
    • 3
      6+ NF
    • 3N
      Accept. Some Tolerance
    • 4M
      To play
  • 3
    3+ Inv
  • 3
  • 4m
  • 3N/4M
    To play
2M - 2N
  • 3
    6+M 2+oM. 3 ask
    • 3
      Short . 3 ask
      • 3N
      • 4
      • 4
    • 3
      6(322) / 7222. End of shape ask. Treat as “6333”
    • 3N+
      Short . Bid like 2M-2N-3-3
  • 3
    5431 3=oM. 3 ask m
    • 3
    • 3N
  • 3
    Short oM. more than . 3 ask
    • 3N
    • 4
    • 4
  • 3
    6331 short oM
  • 3N+
    Short oM. more than . Bid like 2M-2N-3-3
2M - 3
  • P
    4+ To play
  • 3
    4+ NF
  • 3oM
    Art. Accept. Do not want to declare
  • 3M
    6+M NF
  • 3N/4M
    To play

2N Both Minors Opening

12-14 HCP. 5+5+ minors.

2N = Minors
  • 3m
    To play
  • 3M
    GF. Either asks for stopper, or natural 5+M slam try
    • 3N
      Stopper. Then pulling means 5+M slam try
    • 4
      No stopper, 2+M. Then 4 is fitting M and optional RKCB
    • 4
      No stopper. Singleton in M
    • oM
      Short in both majors
    • 4M
      Void in M
  • Games
    To play
  • 4m
    Optional RKCB
  • 4N


New suit is F1 if below game.

4 over 3//, 4 over 3, and 4N over 4M asks Keycards.

3N Solid Major Opening

7+ card suit major headed with AKQ. 8.5 to 9.5 tricks. No side Ace.

  • 4
    ST. Should be able to distinguish the major. Ask side King
    • 4M
      No side King
    • 4/oM
      Side King in the bid suit
    • 4N
      Two side Kings
    • 5
  • 4
    Asks opener to sign-off. Do not compete to 5M
  • 4M
    P/C. Opener may compete to 5M